Science is hard enough: We make it easier
Science is hard. Generating and analysing your data is hard enough, and then what about all that other stuff? Writing papers, giving talks, getting grant money…. Here at Science Kitchen we give training to make that ‘other stuff’ easier. And more fun.

What we do: Training Courses and Coaching for Scientists
We give training courses for PhD students, post docs and group leaders in presentation skills, paper writing, dealing with reviewers and grant writing. We also offer individual coaching for Postdocs and Group leaders in grant writing (ERC, DFG and others). We offer our courses and coaching online, on-site at your institute, or in our home city, Berlin.
Training Courses
Individual Coaching for Grant Applications
You have a grant deadline? How about individual coaching? Get feedback and guidance on your proposal from an experienced grant writer and reviewer, with 8 years experience on ERC panels and over 5.7 million Euros in successful grants. From draft to submission: your success is our goal.
for Grant
You have a grant deadline? How about individual coaching? Get feedback and guidance on your proposal from an experienced grant writer and reviewer, with 8 years experience on ERC panels and over 5.7 million Euros in successful grants. From draft to submission: your success is our goal.
I am a scientist who loves to teach
I am a British professor in molecular biology at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. I am convinced that effective communication is essential to unlock the full potential of all scientists. I firmly believe that everyone can learn excellent scientific writing and presentation, and that it can be fun. My experiences over 25 years of teaching scientific communication at all levels confirm this belief.
Outstanding expertise
- Native English speaker
- 30 years research experience
- 25 years teaching science communication
- > 36 publications, >4500 citations
- > 5.7 Million EUR in grants
- 7 years professor at HU Berlin
- Winner of HU Berlin life sciences teaching prize
- ERC Starting Grant panel member (2013-2019)

I am a scientist who loves to teach
I am a British professor in molecular biology at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. I am convinced that effective communication is essential to unlock the full potential of all scientists. I firmly believe that everyone can learn excellent scientific writing and presentation, and that it can be fun. My experiences over 25 years of teaching scientific communication at all levels confirm this belief.
Outstanding expertise
- Native English speaker
- 30 years research experience
- 25 years teaching science communication
- > 36 publications, >4500 citations
- > 5.7 Million EUR in grants
- 7 years professor at HU Berlin
- Winner of HU Berlin life sciences teaching prize
- ERC Starting Grant panel member (2013-2019)
We believe in logic, rules, play and fun. Our teaching is grounded on these principles. We use the concept of constructive alignment. Participants construct their skills and knowledge through learning activities that are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other words, our training is hands-on, highly interactive and relevant to the topic. In a course on writing a paper, you will write a paper. In a course on giving a presentation, you will give presentations. In all of our courses, participants receive detailed feedback. They gain a deep functioning knowledge of the concepts of the topic and use this to produce work that they can build on.
Our courses are effective, transformative and fun

Funnelling a great idea into a compelling grant proposal can be challenging. Leonie’s invaluable coaching enabled me to write the best application possible. It provided structure and guidance to tailor the application to the generalist and specialist audience, and highlight the novelty, uniqueness, barrier breaking capacity of my idea in a comprehensive fashion.
I remember for one assignment we were told: “how I want you to do this is: write something bad! Really bad. And then start working on that and try to make it better”. So if you’re anything like me, stressing out about presentations or having difficulties structuring texts, this course will help you to massively improve on both of those aspects.
Usually I get really bad stage fright, the kind that makes your voice shaky as if you’re about to cry and your mouth feel like the Sahara Desert, as do most people I know. The trainer is very aware of that problem that so many people have and deliberately made us give a presentation that wasn’t perfect to give us a chance to practice without feeling such immense pressure to get it perfect the first time.

Science Kitchen is a journey
Science Kitchen is an experiment

Science Kitchen is a journey
Science Kitchen is an experiment

Science Kitchen is a place to …
tell stories
drink coffee
try new things
drink tea
wash up
Want to know more?