
Publisher and responsible party for content
Responsible for the content presented on these pages in accordance with §6 Abs. 2 MDStV:
Prof. Dr. Leonie Ringrose
Schliemannstraße 10
10437 Berlin
Email: [email protected]
Steuernummer: 31/494/03032, Finanzamt Prenzlauer Berg
We undertake every effort to consistently provide current, correct and complete information on our web pages, in accordance with § 7 Abs.1 TMG. However, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. We therefore assume no liability, in accordance with §§ 8-10 TMG, for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the uploaded content.
This also applies to any potential material or intellectual property damages incurred by third parties under German law through this website. We undertake every effort to clearly indicate where presented content is not produced or authored by Science Kitchen. Links to pdf documents are provided under terms of fair academic use and not for redistribtion. Downloads of materials presented on these pages are not permitted for commercial purposes. The content on the Science Kitchen web pages is only intended for information purposes and is not to be considered binding. If informed that certain content amounts to an infringement of intellectual property rights or copyright we will remove it as soon as possible.
Despite thorough content reviews we do not assume liability for the content of external links. The relevant website operators are solely responsible for the content of these links. If informed that certain links amount to a violation of third party legal rights we will remove these as soon as possible.
Design credits
Logo and title backgrounds: Bold italic
Website design and implementation: Marc Rehmsmeier, Leonie Ringrose.
Illustrations (home page): Leonie Ringrose
Photo credits
Photos used on this Website were produced by Marc Rehmsmeier and/or Leonie Ringrose, with the exception of the following photos, which were purchased as Royalty Free License from Getty images:
Home page
Friends working together on a project in their loft office
Artist: Westend61
Image number: 1158873610
Collection: Westend61
Training page
Artist: Weekend Images Inc.
Image number: 626709438
Collection: E+
Boy playing the drums on a pan with spatulas
Artist: Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy
Image number: 165955188
Collection: The Image Bank
Boy and girl with mugs sitting at the fire at night
Artist: Westend61
Image number: 1150300614
Junge Frau, die Boxen Training in einem alten, dunklen Fitnessraum
Artist: anton5146
Bildnummer: 940485644
Kollektion: E+
Junges Mädchen mit Rocket Pack
Artist: RichVintage
Image number: 864707808
Collection: E+
Close-Up Of Dog In Car
Artist: Von Kelsie Elgie / EyeEm
Image number: 699124277
Collection: EyeEm Premium